Physical, Occupational & Speech therapists ready to get you back to your personal best.
Contact The Care Campus for more information - (218) 948-2219
The Care Campus has a partnership with Aegis Therapies to provide therapies
services in both inpatient and outpatient settings and even provides services
in your home. Aegis specializes in creating customized wellness and therapy
programs to help everyone get back to their personal best.

Inpatient & Outpatient Therapy
Inpatient and outpatient therapy is provided at the Evansville Care Center. Therapists draw on decades of experience providing physical, occupational and speech-language therapy to deliver clinical excellence and exceptional value to our patients. Comprehensive therapy and wellness services help keep patients healthy and physically active so that they can maximize their functional ability. No matter the setting, patients can receive the rehabilitation therapy they need.
Home Care Therapy
In collaboration with our agency customers, At Home With Aegis provides skilled rehabilitation therapy to patients wherever they call home. Our focus on communication surrounding comprehensive assessment supports care coordination and appropriate utilization based on each individual’s unique needs